Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Success is the Result of Hard Work"

As Miss Norma Bustamante, our School Headmistress, always tells us: "Success is the result of hard work". And that is exactly what I want to show here.
During this year, our School has had some activities that required a big effort from my Ponies. We had our Open Classes (Mother’s and Father’s Days), The Teacher’s Day Dancing, Proyecto Integrador Expositions, Talent Evening, Festidanza, Christmas Show; among other activities.
To do these activities my children had to prepare themselves, practicing and practicing, and doing their best. Fortunately we could always count with Miss Elena Calle`s support.
Thanks to their effort and their hard work, they could demostrate that although they are little kids, they can get whatever they want.
The clearest example is that our Pre Kinder Ponies have always shown excellent performances such as the Talent Evening Show and, they also won the Firs Place in Infants category in the Festidanza 2007.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Work in Class

Between 3 and 7 years old, children are in the most important period to learn. Because of that, it’s so important that they start getting English as a Second Language. In Pre Kinder Ponies children have 80% of their classes in English.
Everyday, children come to school expecting something new to learn.
They learn the English Language through four subjects:
In Language Arts children have the opportunity to learn commands, songs, poems, chants, and vocabulary according to the topic that they are studying. They also learn through storytelling and at the end of the year they can retell stories and create their own ones.
In Science they can learn through experimenting and investigating about each topic, for example when we were learning about plants, they planted and harvested parsley.
In Math they learn about numbers, shapes, and positions through games end exploration.
In Religion children learn prayers, songs and they have the opportunity to listen to parables and important topics about our religious beliefs.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Different activities at our school.

Besides all the subjects that we teach, during the year our school has other activities to reinforce different children’s abilities. For Example to celebrate Father’s Day our school prepared a Sports Day where children and fathers enjoyed playing games together.
Another activity that we had was a show to Teacher’s Day where our assistants prepared a really exciting and funny presentation with dances, poems, plays, etc. I as Ponies teacher was very excited and happy because they recited a poem and danced a song that made me cry. It was excellent and I was so proud of my students.
Children had the opportunity to go out of school when they went to “Base Aérea Las Palmas” and “Granja El Arriero” they could learn more about means of transportation and Farm Animals”
We had also a project called “Proyecto Integrador” where my Ponies made some crafts about they favourite story. Children made models with play dough, construction paper and using collages.
On November we had our Festidanza and Bingo, where my children danced “El Alcatraz” and won the first lace in Infants.
Now we are almost ending the year and children are preparing their carol to the “Christmas Show” They are so excited to participate and they are doing their best.