Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Work in Class

Between 3 and 7 years old, children are in the most important period to learn. Because of that, it’s so important that they start getting English as a Second Language. In Pre Kinder Ponies children have 80% of their classes in English.
Everyday, children come to school expecting something new to learn.
They learn the English Language through four subjects:
In Language Arts children have the opportunity to learn commands, songs, poems, chants, and vocabulary according to the topic that they are studying. They also learn through storytelling and at the end of the year they can retell stories and create their own ones.
In Science they can learn through experimenting and investigating about each topic, for example when we were learning about plants, they planted and harvested parsley.
In Math they learn about numbers, shapes, and positions through games end exploration.
In Religion children learn prayers, songs and they have the opportunity to listen to parables and important topics about our religious beliefs.

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